The Free Territory of Trieste

Following the Peace Treaty signed on February 10, 1947, there were further modifications in the above-mentioned zone: a part of the Territory which was under the Anglo-American control, included Gorizia, was given back to Italy, while almost the whole of Istria, part of the Anglo-American zone, and the cities Fiume and Pola were assigned to Yugoslavia. Furthermore, it was determined that the "Free Territory of Trieste" be divided into an "A zone", which included Trieste and the coastal band situated between Duino and Albaro Vescovā, to be under Anglo-American administration; and "B zone", which included the north-west side of Istria, to be under Yugoslav administration.


Both the administrations used their own stamps. The Anglo-American administration used Italian stamps after applying the overprint "AMG - FTT" (Allied Military Government - Free Territory Trieste). In the "B zone" special stamps made for Trieste were used, as well as Yugoslavian stamps with overprint; all showed the legend or overprint "STT - VUJA" (Free Territory Trieste - Yugoslav Army Military Administration). Since 1952, in the second part of the abbreviation includes "N" ("Popular", referring to the Army).


During this seven years, every Italian issue was also used within the Trieste "A zone" with the overprint "AMG-FTT". This overprint, as was the one for Venezia Giulia, was executed by Fortuna Typography in Trieste, and later by the State Printing in Rome.

Because of the October 5, 1954, agreement, the "A zone" was made once again part of the Italian territory, while the "B zone" became part of Yugoslavia.

On October 20, 1954, Italian troops entered Trieste to take control for its readmission within the Motherland. On November 15, 1954, stamps with the overprint "AMG - FTT" were used for the last time.


The last Italian commemorative set overprinted for use within the "A zone" is the one devoted to the "25th General Assembly of Interpol" held on October 9, 1954. The stamp that honored Carlo Lorenzini, named Collodi, the well-known author of "Pinocchio", issued in Italy on October 26, 1954, was also overprinted with the purpose to be used in Trieste.

However, due to other events, this overprinted "AMG-FTT" stamp was not issued. The overprinted stamps were burned but some pieces escaped destruction. There are about twenty mint stamps known, and two with favor cancellations, plus three complete sheets at the Postal Museum.

Italia  Pinocchio

The "Pinocchio" stamp without overprint was used by post offices in Trieste on February 21, 1955. On this occasion a special cancellation was used, which depicted Italy in the exceptional clothes of the "Fata Turchina" with Trieste's coat-of-arms connected with the heart and the legend "Trieste/ Feb. 21, 1955/ 1° Pinocchio's Day", a cancellation that expressed the feelings of a whole nation.

Although "mutilated", Italian territorial unity had been restored.



One of the three existing complete sheets of the Pinocchio with AMGFTT overprint.



On the 26th of October 2004 the Italian Posts  issued the stamp which celebrates the 50th year of the return of Trieste to Italy.

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