"Quaderni" Published by the Cifr


The "quaderni" are monographs, printed by Cifr in Italian, about particular subjects. They are provided free to members.
We have already issued:


  Biografia dei martiri raffigurati nei "Testimoni del nostro tempo"
Biography of the Martyrs depicted in "Witnesses of our Time"
by Gianfranco Pastormerlo
Illustrated catalogue of the cinderellas produced by the association.
  La "Resistenza" come collezione tematica
"The Resistance" as a Thematic Collection
by Nino Barberis
Guide to thematic collection, with special focus on the Resistance, written by one of the best-known international thematic judges.
  1943-1945 Quando il francobollo diventa protagonista della Storia
see the translation of this publication directly from home page.
1943-1945, When the Postage Stamp Become Protagonist of History
by Pier Paolo Mazzini
The war years as seen through postal material issued during this time and later.


  La "Resistenza": maximafilia, passione per tutti
"The Resistance": Maximum Cards, a Passion for All
by Fausto Lodi

What is a collection of maximum cards and how to go about making a collection of The Resistance. The author is among the greatest experts on the subject.

 Catalog of the Italian postal marks of Anti Fascism and Resistance from 1945 until 2002

by Aristide Simboli

. NEW! A new monograph of over 400 pages on the Italian postal marks of Anti Fascism and Resistance, from 1945 until 2002, is now available to our members. See the announcement in the Italian section. 25,00 Euro the cost. Click HERE!

  Internet monographs: the E-monographs.
  •         by some Authors
            Our Association, sensible to the new media is operating since some years on Internet. In this web  site are available some Electronic Monographs, which utilize some facilities which are peculiar of the new technology. The E-monographs which are now available are:

  • Italian Resistance history through stamps more than 30 pages which are explaining the Italian Resistance 1943-1945.
    Italian peace keeping forces missions more than 40 cards which are explaining the Italian missions all over the world: from Creta to Afghanistan. The English version allows only few ways of surfing among them, visit the Italian version for a complete use of the electronic facilities.   
    Scientific missions to Antarctica (under construction) in this section we can see the 17 Italian scientific  missions to Terranova Bay.
    Deportation and lager  72 pages are explaining part of the suffering of the Shoah during the second World War. 

