On the 18th of November 2001 the following Italian ships, under the command of the admiral Maurizio Genignani, moved from Taranto harbour towards Arabic sea: 

-aircraft carrier Garibaldi, fregate Zaffiro, escort ships Aviere and Etna.

 Later on, exactly on the 18th March 2002,  some of them were substituted by destroyer Durand de la Penne and frigate Maestrale. The objective of the mission is the patrol of the Arabic Gulf, in order to avoid the escapes or the support to Al Qaeda terrorists.

No special cancellations or field post are reported on the letters to or from the Navy crew.

From March 2003, infantry troops joined Afghan territory. On the base of Bagram, Italian Alpins put their command. The patrol of Pakistani border and the Al Qaeda terrorists' capture, are the main activity and objects of the mission.
Total Italian forces in 2003, considering both missions Isaf and Enduring Freedom are 1.500, plus people on ships (650 men) and air forces in Manas ( Kirghizstan).







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